Sunday, September 23, 2007

  • Absorptive State
Insulin beta cells from the Islets of Langerhans
Glucose: source of energy for cells. Insulin stimulates the uptake of glucose via facilitative diffusion.
Also stimulates amino acid uptake by cells via active transport
Insulin, thyroid hormones and insulin-like growth factors stimulate protein synthesis by all body cells.
Glycogen: glucose stored in liver and skeletal muscles as glycogen.
Glycogenesis: synthesis of glycogen from glucose in liver and skeletal muscles
Insulin also stimulates lipogenesis by adipose cells and hepatocytes

  • Postabsorptive State
Glucagon from the alpha cells in the Islets of Langerhans
Glycogenolysis: glycogen breakdown via glucose catabolism occurs in the liver
lipolysis: glycerol, produce by the breakdown of triglycerides by adipocytes used to form glucose
Gluconeogenesis: synthesis of glucose from non-carbohydrates.
lactic acid-occurs on the liver.
protein breakdown: most body cells, especially skeletal muscles.

  • Other G words:
Glycolysis: first step in cellular respiration

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